Rails: Special Use Cases Of MD5
What is MD5?
The MD5 is hashing algorithm. It is a one-way cryptographic function. It accepts a message of any length as input and returns the fixed-length digest value.
There are various use-cases of md5. I have listed few of them below.
Use-case 1: Single Uniqueness Validation For Multiple Attributes.
Have you ever stuck in a situation, where you need to execute multiple uniqueness validations to insert single record in database?
These validations could be present in same model or different models. In that scenario adding uniqueness validation on each attribute tends to performance degradation. you’ll face this performance issue more often, if you have multiple records in database.
Lets consider a scenario:
2 Models: Product and Size.
Association between models: Product has many Sizes.
Uniqueness Validations We Need:
1. For product, sku and colour_code combination should be unique.
2. For size, product.sku, product.colour_code, size, attribute_size and source combination should be unique.
Standard approach could be as following:
class Product < ApplicationRecord
# field :sku
# field :colour_code
# field :category
# field :name
# field :gender
# field :price has_many :sizes
validates :sku, uniqueness: {scope: [:colour_code]}
class Size < ApplicationRecord
# field :size
# field :attr_size
# field :source belongs_to :product validates :size, :attribute_size, :source,
uniqueness: {scope: [:product_id]}
Now when inserting/updating size record, database validates all attributes and eventually it will impact on performance.
Now, we need a solution!
We can use only one md5 attribute for uniqueness validation.
So lets add one new attribute on size modal:
class AddMd5ToSizes < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
add_column :sizes, :md5, :string
And next step is to add logic for md5 attribute
class Size < ApplicationRecord
... before_save do |record|
private def set_md5
_md5 = Digest::MD5.new
_md5.update "#{product.sku}#{product.colour_code}#{size}"\
self.md5 = _md5.hexdigest
add_index :companies_releases, [:company_id, :release_id], unique: trueAt the end, we’ll just add only one validation.
class Size < ApplicationRecord
# field :size
# field :attr_size
# field :source
# field :md5 belongs_to :product validates :md5, uniqueness: true
Ta…da….! Its done
Lets have a look at another use case of md5.
Use-case 2: Indexing On Variable Length Attributes.
Lets consider one scenario. Suppose we want to store profile image url in user model. Now our attribute is profile_url.
class User< ApplicationRecord
# field :first_name
# field :last_name
# field :profile_url
Now, our case is, we want to add unique index on profile_url attribute. As we know URL can be of variable length and it can vary from say 10 characters to 1000 characters, or more.
Any index on attribute with variable length, is very heavy operation, in terms of performance.
As a solution to such cases, we can take help of MD5, to add index.
Same as use-case 1, add new attribute to the model, to store md5 hash of URL. It is of fixed size, unique and gives better performance for index heavy operations.
# db/migrate/20200131101209_add_md5_users.rb
class AddMd5ToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
add_column :users, :md5, :string
add_index :users, :md5, unique: true
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
before_save do |record|
end private def set_md5
_md5 = Digest::MD5.new
_md5.update "#{profile_url}"
self.md5 = _md5.hexdigest
In this way, with the help of md5, we can easily add uniqueness validation on such multiple and nested attributes. Also we saw, how to add index of variable sized attributes.